Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Miro = great collaborative note-taking tool

I had a collision between real people and web 2.0 in a conversation with a friend last week. She recently took a design thinking MOOC-style class from Stanford, and was impressed by their use of Miro for remote collaboration: https://miro.com.

Miro is a group note-taking platform. It works like a whiteboard, though it can function a lot like infinitely zoomable post-it notes, too. They have many display templates available: brainstorming, concept mapping, calendars, flowcharts, fishbone diagrams,.... You can sign up for free to try it out.
You can find out more through their introductory video:

The tool seems rather complicated at first glance, although I understand that when a project is designed well, it can be a simple and seamless experience for the end user. Find more information through Miro's training site at https://academy.miro.com/.

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