Thursday, July 23, 2020

Santa Fe Institute

The Santa Fe Institute (SFI),, is a private research institute dedicated to applying complexity science across the "physical, biological, social, cultural, technological, and even possible astrobiological worlds." The institute was founded in the 1980s, mainly through efforts of senior researchers at Los Alamos. They now have an impressive roster of faculty and associates that span 80 institutions across 20 countries.

These people also span an impressive array of disciplines: computer science, biology, astrophysics, sociology, thermodynamics, the arts, and more. I am probably most impressed that they intentionally include artists to facilitate scientific discovery. SFI's Broken Symmetry Society,, focuses on building and sustaining this synthesis of art and science.

SFI provides many opportunities for public engagement, as well. They provide courses on a variety of topics, both in-person and online, Some of their online courses are free, some require a fee. They cover a diverse array of topics, from fractals to the origins of life, They also host a weekly podcast that I always find informative and engaging, They have made a lot lectures available through YouTube, too, from speakers they have hosted over the past 30 years, I encourage you to check it out!

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