Saturday, July 25, 2020

Web 2.0 Dialog Reflection

I find that a lot of social media tools like Twitter and Reddit are limited to a shallow and superficial exchanges. A short, staggered conversation flow isn't conducive to in-depth and elaborate dialog. It seems more effective for announcements and basic content sharing.

Real time voice conversations generate a more natural dialog flow. In virtual reality, when coupled with avatars able to express some basic body language, conversations feel almost like speaking to someone in person. Videoconferencing provides a similar experience in digital space. These communication formats generally seem to provide for fewer but stronger links between participants.

If my purpose is to build a network of people I can leverage to advance my research and professional goals, my time is likely best spent in spaces that allow for more in-depth conversation. If my purpose is to keep abreast of announcements on events and funding opportunities, for example, my time is likely best spent in the more superficial, broad range platforms.

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